
Where the changes will be summarized for each new version.

2.0 Prerelease 25 - 03/06/2021


  • /neubuttons (or /neu -> Inventory Buttons)

    • Configure buttons in your inventory

    • Set the ran command to anything you want

    • Set the icon to ANY skyblock item, /warp skull icons or about 15 custom icons (maybe more to come)

    • Works with hypixel commands, NEU commands & commands from other mods


  • Fixed item renaming


  • New search bar texture

  • Config option to disable icons in todo

  • Config option to access /neuoverlay from Toolbar menu

2.0 Prerelease 24.5 - 02/28/2021


  • Fixed cape physics

2.0 Prerelease 24.4 - 02/28/2021


  • New cape (/neucosmetics). Doesn't have a preview icon yet, but it's pretty cool

  • Web renderer should (hopefully) now work on linux & also download properly now, even when you haven't used an older version (NEU 1.7)


  • Few performance optimizations

  • General bug fixes

2.0 Prerelease 24.3 - 02/27/2021


  • Item searching (double click search bar) now works with SBA backpacks & the highlighting makes it more clear


  • Fixed pet overlay not working with high level / maxed pets (hypixel, why is '1k' lowercase and '1M' uppercase?)

  • fixed crash with /pv

2.0 Prerelease 24.2 - 02/25/2021


  • Xp/h of pet overlay excludes greatest (if you get 500k mining xp it doesn't say 859m XP/h)

  • Pet overlay no longer uses API, uses /pets menu instead. Should make the XP numbers more accurate. If something goes wrong, you should be able to fix it by revisiting all pages of /pets

  • Dual pet overlay option to show 2 pets at once. Useful if you are using autopet to grind 2 pets

  • God pot todo shouldn't show in dungeons any more (actual cooldown time still uses IRL time, should be fixed soon:tm: idk)


  • Fixed fetchur icon in todo list to be the correct item

  • Fix NW crash

2.0 Prerelease 24.1 - 02/20/2021


  • Fixed cookie buff time if you have >12 days

2.0 Prerelease 24 - 02/20/2021


  • Block Zapper Overlay (/neu -> Item Overlays -> Block Zapper Overlay)

  • Todo Overlay (/neu -> Misc Overlays -> Todo Overlay)

    • Shows timers for various important tasks in skyblock:

    • Century Cakes, god potion, cookie buff, experiments, commissions, fetchur (shows the correct item), puzzler

    • Note: If your system time is incorrect, some timers may be off by that amount


  • Fix pet info "until L(x)" not showing if pet was above L50

  • Fix smooth AOTE not working

  • Make background blur force-blur if it hasn't been blurred in a while

  • Various improvements to cape physics

  • Fixed lighting issue (gray guis) with neu map

  • Hopefully fixed pet detection for tier boosted pets

  • Fixed /neugamemodes not working at all

2.0 Prerelease 23 - 02/19/2021


  • Add search bar to /neu

  • Add subcategory accordions to /neu, making it a lot easier to find the setting you are looking for

  • Reordered and generally cleaned up the settings menu

  • Custom skull models now apply transforms

  • Note: The changes to the settings menu will reset all of the settings that have been moved. You have been warned.


  • Fixed bugged pet xp gain with maxed skills

  • Fixed broken tooltips in pets page in /neu

Last updated